Co-investments to support Campanian SMEs

Supporting the growth of small and medium-sized enterprises in Campania through private equity and quasi-equity co-investments.
Private equity and quasi-equity co-investments in companies based in the Campania Region or with development programs within the region.
The Fund co-invests with the direct funds managed by Fondo Italiano and other private equity and private debt funds, leveraging the established relationships of fund of funds activities managed by Fondo Italiano.
The focus is on Campanian companies that, in accordance with ESG criteria, have fewer than 250 employees, revenues not exceeding €50 million, or less than €43 million in assets. These companies typically exhibit strong equity, good current and prospective profitability, and ambitious development plans.
The Fund benefits from a guarantee provided by Sviluppo Campania for a maximum amount of €15 million.
Sustainability disclosure
Basket Eque is classified as Art. 8 under EU Regulation 2019/2088; the fund promotes the following characteristics: a) increase of energy supply from renewable sources; b) fight against active and passive corruption; c) labour protection.
Disclosure pursuant to Article 10 of EU Regulation 2019/2088.
Fund target size
Portfolio companies target number
Investment ticket
Priority investment sectors
The Fund will invest in companies operating in any sector, with the exception of SMEs operating in the primary sector, fishing, aquaculture, and sectors covered by EU Regulation No. 964/2014.